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Data Centers Fire Protection


  • Data centers are critical infrastructure that store, process and transmit digital information, enabling the internet, cloud computing, and big data analytics. Crucial industries such as finance, technology, healthcare, retail and media rely on data centers on their daily operations.
  • Data should be available 24/7 without any interruption
  • Fire damage can result in server downtime and losses of over $7000 per minute
  • High risk of electric fire due electric cuircuits, inside server cabinets, but also in pipes, warm plastics, cables etc.


  • Fast and early fire detection, to stop the fire before causing irreversible damages
  • Use of specific agent as inert gases or clean agents to avoid damages on the expensive electronic equipment – no use of water or liquid chemicals
  • Reach the fire at the source, even deep inside electronic cabinets in data centers
  • Avoid fire protection discharging noise damages on data
  • Improve safety for your workers
  • Ensure no re-ignition
  • Ensure a 24/7 fire protection
  • Reliable alarms and activation systems

INEREX®: The perfect choice to protect your sensitive equipment in data centers

Inert gas fire suppression for Data Centers
Rotarex Firetec offers an inert gas fire protection through its INEREX® complete fire suppression system, ideal for your data center.
For many data centers and other applications involving sensitive data and equipment, inert gas fire suppression can be an adequate choice.
Thanks to its Silent nozzle, the INEREX® system protects delicate drivers and data against sound damage during discharge.

RX5112: A complete data center fire protection system using FK-5-1-12 agent

RX5112 fire suppression for Data Centers
RX5112 by Rotarex Firetec is a complete VdS-Certified Clean Agent Fire Suppression System that helps you save time and improves your productivity.
The RX5112 fire suppression system is easy to install and can be fully customized to meet the specific needs of each application. One of the main features of the RX5112 system is its ability to accurately detect and extinguish data center fires very quickly.

FireDETEC® Electrical Cabinet: Fire suppression system for server rooms

Electrical cabinets fire suppression for server rooms
Directly installed in the electrical cabinet or server rack cabinet, as close as possible to a potential area where a fire could start, the Rotarex Firetec FireDETEC® system will immediately detect and quickly suppress it.
With our fully operational 24/7 system, you will not have to worry about a fire outbreak in your data center or server room anymore!

Data Centers Fire Protection

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