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  • Laboratories present a high fire risk, as they are in direct contact with flammable chemicals, which are often dangerous to humans
  • Therefore, it is extremely important to keep workers safe from fire and minimize company property loss


  • Systems available for whole rooms or enclosures, such as fume hood.
  • Rapid and automatic fire detection as systems is installed directly inside the fume hood
  • Fully automatic system
  • Instant fire suppression
  • Fast and reliable fire detection and alarm systems providing early warning of fire
  • Ensure rapid fire knockdown by flooding the area or enclosure
  • By use of gaseous agents like inert gas, which is safe to humans
  • No electricity required for fire suppression

FireDETEC® Fume Hoods: The ideal way to keep your laboratory safe from fire

Fume Hoods fire suppression system
Suitable for all sizes of fume hoods, the Rotarex Firetec FireDETEC® system can be easily adapted to any need.
The FireDETEC® automatic fire detection and automatic fire extinguishing system is directly installed inside the fume chamber and exhaust hood – close to where a fire could start.

INEREX®: The perfect fire suppression system for occupied areas

INEREX inert gas fire suppression system
Totally safe for humans, the Rotarex INEREX® system is the perfect solution for quickly extinguishing fires in laboratory.
The system detects the fire and extinguishes it by bringing water or chemicals in contact with your equipment and documents.
No need for a space close to the protected area, thanks to the pressure regulators technology, the bottles can be placed anywhere in the building.

RX5112: A complete fire suppression system

RX5112 fire suppression system
The RX5112 fire suppression system by Rotarex Firetec is a highly effective total flooding system to protect your laboratories. It's easy to install and can be customized to fit the specific needs of each application.
The FK-5-1-12 agent used in the RX5112 system is design to suppress fires quickly without the need of human intervention.


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